Garlic on Nail Experiment Update

by aliceinloubieland

Hi everyone. It is week 3 of the garlic experiment. I must say I am impressed. Not only is the test group doing much better than the control, strength also has improved but not at an acrylic level. I expect improvement over a long period of garlic use. Anyway, I’m running short for time as of the moment so I will leave some data I’ve collected.

Left Hand (Test Group) (inches)      
Day Thumb Index Middle Ring Pinky
1 0.531 0.531 0.531 0.531 0.438
6 0.578 0.563 0.531 0.563 0.438
7 0.594 0.563 0.563 0.563 0.453
8 0.594 0.563 0.563 0.563 0.453
9 0.594 0.578 0.563 0.563 0.453
10 0.609 0.594 0.563 0.578 0.453
11 0.609 0.594 0.563 0.594 0.453
12 0.609 0.594 0.563 0.594 0.453
13 0.609 0.594 0.594 0.609 0.484
14 0.625 0.609 0.594 0.609 0.484
15 0.625 0.625 0.594 0.609 0.484
16 0.633 0.625 0.609 0.625 0.500
17 0.641 0.625 0.609 0.625 0.500
18 0.641 0.641 0.625 0.672 0.516
19 0.656 0.641 0.625 0.672 0.516
20 0.656 0.656 0.625 0.672 0.563
21 0.656 0.656 0.641 0.672 0.563
Right Hand (Control) (inches)      
Day Thumb Index Middle Ring Pinky
1 0.500 0.500 0.531 0.531 0.469
6 0.516 0.531 0.547 0.531 0.500
7 0.531 0.531 0.547 0.531 0.500
8 0.531 0.531 0.563 0.547 0.500
9 0.531 0.547 0.578 0.547 0.500
10 0.563 0.563 0.594 0.563 0.531
11 0.563 0.563 0.594 0.563 0.531
12 0.563 0.563 0.594 0.563 0.531
13 0.563 0.563 0.594 0.563 0.531
14 0.609 0.563 0.594 0.563 0.547
15 0.609 0.563 0.594 0.609 0.563
16 0.609 0.594 0.594 0.609 0.563
17 0.609 0.609 0.625 0.609 0.563
18 0.609 0.609 0.625 0.609 0.563
19 0.609 0.609 0.625 0.609 0.578
20 0.609 0.609 0.641 0.609 0.578
21 0.625 0.609 0.656 0.609 0.594

I also found that when any type of polish is applied to the nails, it inhibits growth. I started to wear my DIY garlic strengthening polish more often but stopped because I noticed my nails stopped growing after a few days. Maybe it depends on the body chemistry and/or genes. Well, thanks for taking the time to stop by! Have a great evening!